This contest will run until Saturday, April 23rd at midnight.
Ways to Enter:
1. In honor of Stephanie's return from China, leave a comment on this or any other post until the 23rd answering the following question - If you could visit any country in the world what would it be and why? (1 entry)
2. Follow our blog (3 entries)
3. Post a link to our blog on your blog. Please leave a link to your blog (5 entries)
4. Blog about our blog or giveaway on your blog. Again please leave a link (10 entries)
5. Write a review for us. (5 entries per review) There is no limit to the number of reviews you write for us. Please use our format. (Below) Email us your reviews at fabulousreads@yahoo.com Also if you would like us to link to your blog, please give us your blog address.
If you are under the age or 18 you must have a parent or legal guardian give consent if you win.
We have also in the past have had people have problems with our comment section. If you have a problem, you can email us your entry at fabulousreads@yahoo.com
Good Luck one and all!!
I'm not nearly as brave as Stephanie, and going somewhere that I don't understand the language freaks me out. I would go to Australia because they speak English and have a beach.
I would love to go to France. Always have. It just sounds so glamorous.
Also, I follow your blog. At least, I get all your updates to my inbox. :)
It isn't that exotic but I would like to go to Canada. It is a really large country so I would probably have to narrow it down to eastern Canada. I have been interested in visiting Prince Edward Island since I read Anne of Green Gables in elementary school. Thanks for the giveaway.
I follow your blog via RSS. I'm not sure if you want three comments for a random number generator or if you just need one, so I am just going to go with 3.
I follow your blog.
I follow your blog.
We're so happy Stephanie is back we have missed her. If Aaron and I plus baby could go somewhere more likley we would go visit some of my family in Scotland. Then go visit some friends that live in Germany. (thats if we had the money)
I try to follow and keep up with yours and everyone elses blogs.
Just started reading your blog - how great! I'd go to Italy because I think Lynn would like to take picutes there - plus the shopping would be a bonus!
I want to go to Costa Rica. Why? mmm....Why not?
I would love to go to New Zealand and Switzerland.
I follow you blog.
Although I've been once, I'm pretty much love with France.
And I'm a follower.
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