Title: The House of Hades (The Heroes of Olympus #4)
Author: Rick Riordan
Reviewer: Karen
Genre: YA Fantasy
Rating: Fabulous
Alerts/Warnings: None
Premise: "Greek and Roman demigods from the Prophecy of Seven must work together to seal the Doors of Death--and help Percy and Annabeth escape the Underworld in the process"-- Provided by publisher.
Opinions: My husband and I are reading the series aloud together, because we are so addicted to it. I was glad to see each of the heroes of the Prophecy of Seven develop into more in-depth characters with new strengths bringing greater dimension to already intriguing people. I especially loved seeing Annabeth and Percy's trip through Tartarus and the monsters that they encounter that they had previously killed. Most of all I loved "Bob", but you'll just have to read the story to find out why. Leo Valdez also received more face time and an intriguing twist to his story. Other than the feeling that Rick Riordan is trying to provide a cameo for every God in the Greek & Roman pantheons, this was an amazing book. I can't wait until the Fall when book five, Blood of Olympus, is released.