Friday, June 21, 2013

Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett

The Wee Free Men (Discworld, #30)

Title: The Wee Free Men (Discworld #30)
Author: Terry Pratchett
Reviewer: Karen
Genre: YA Fantasy
Rating: Fabulous
Alerts/Warnings: None
Premise: "Armed only with a frying pan and her common sense, Tiffany Aching, a young witch-to-be, is all that stands between the monsters of Fairyland and the warm, green Chalk country that is her home. Forced into Fairyland to seek her kidnapped brother, Tiffany allies herself with the Chalk's local Nac Mac Feegle - aka the Wee Free Men - a clan of sheep-stealing, sword-wielding, six-inch-high blue men who are as fierce as they are funny. Together, they battle through an eerie and ever-shifting landscape, fighting brutal flying fairies, dream-spinning dromes, and grimhounds - black dogs with eyes of fire and teeth of razors - before ultimately confronting the Queen of the Elves, absolute ruler of a world in which reality intertwines with nightmare. And in the final showdown, Tiffany must face her cruel power alone... In a riveting narrative equal parts suspense and humor, Carnegie Medalist Terry Pratchett returns to his internationally popular Discworld with a breath-taking tale" (King County Library System).
Opinions: My husband is a HUGE Terry Pratchett fan and read this to me last night.  This book was brilliant. I've read some of the Disc World books, but when a friend gave me the sequel to this book my husband leaped right up, went to the library to check out the first Tiffany Aching book (this one), came home and immediately started reading it to me allowed. I'm glad he did.

Terry Pratchett has an incredible turn of phrase and the brilliant characters/personalities he creates leaves me more than slightly envious. The humor is on point, and the faith that Tiffany learns to have in herself by the end of the novel makes it a thoroughly engaging read.  The only difficulties I had with this book were some of hte Nac Mac Feegle's toungue twisting names and the periodic flash backs into Tiffany Aching's earlier life.  They did help to tell the story, but made it sometimes hard to recall if we were in the present or the past. However, baring that, this book is incredible.  I am now looking forward to reading the next one with my hubby as well.

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