Title: Lemon Tart: A Culinary Mystery (Book #1)
Author: Josi S. Kilpack
Reviewer: Karen
Genre: Adult Mystery
Alerts/Warnings: Murder and nefarious behavior assorted with such crimes
Premise: "Cooking aficionado turned amateur detective Sadie Hoffmiller tries to solve the murder of her beautiful young neighbor--a single mother who was mysteriously lured from her home while a lemon tart was baking in her oven. At the heart of Sadie's search is the woman's missing two year-old child." (King County Library System)
Opinions: I KNOW!!! Two reviews from me in under a week. Since I was crazy and had a third kid last year I haven't been able to focus my brain power on as much reading as I would like. However, I've had several people recommend to me the works of Josi S. Kilpack. So I rushed a request off to my local library and yesterday they had the first book in this series ready and waiting for me. I've said it before, but I am a mystery fan. Have been since I was about 10 or so (memories get fuzzy with lack of sleep...oh and age). So I picked it up yesterday and here I am at almost 11:30 pm writing a review about this book. Why? Because I could NOT put it down. It was FABULOUS!!!
I love Sadie, the main character, she is brilliantly written. She is absolutely the kind of woman I would love to know. She is witty, intelligent, has dealt with struggles in life, but come out ahead. She also is kindhearted and tries to be helpful whenever she can(even if it gets her in trouble with the police). She is a spunky, sassy, brilliant heroine. On a side note, I also LOVE that there are recipes included at the end of each chapter. And the frustrating part is now I have to go buy a copy just to have the recipes (let alone the great mystery that comes with them). The suspense is great, and the twists and turns keep you jumping around trying to figure out who really committed the crime. The library better be ready for me, because now I simply have to read the rest of the series and I suggest that you check them out as well.